
Per Gudmundson

Per Gudmundson

Antisemitismen i Malmö har nu lett till att organisationen UN Watch uppmärksammar FN på problemen. Saken anses extra allvarlig med tanke på Sveriges kandidatur till FN:s råd för mänskliga rättigheter.

FN:s generalsekreterare har från UN Watch mottagit ett skriftligt uttalande där en rad antisemitiska incidenter noteras (bland annat med hänvisning till rapporteringen från ledarsidans medarbetare Paulina Neuding), varefter särskilda rekommendationer ges. UN Watch menar att Sveriges trovärdighet i frågor om mänskliga rättigheter står på spel.

”Sweden should demonstrate its commitment to combating anti-Jewish racism through the following five steps:

• Official acknowledgement that the problem of antisemitism in Malmö is genuine and intolerable.

• Officially reprimand Malmö mayor Ilmar Reepalu for his multiple defamatory and incendiary remarks concerning the Jewish community in  Malmö and the antisemitism it faces.

• Develop and implement special initiatives aimed at educating against antisemitism in Malmö, with a particular emphasis on schools.

• Enhance security around Jewish sites and activities to ensure that they are protected from vandalism, abuse, and assault.

• Allocate sufficient resources to ensure the thorough and timely investigation of antisemitic incidents in Malmö and the prosecution of perpetrators.

Implementing these measures is essential to tackling the problem of antisemitism in Malmö.

Sweden is bound by international law to combating the scourge of antisemitism. ICERD and the ICCPR demand that the human rights of Jews in Malmö be adequately protected. It is time for the Swedish government to demonstrate a serious commitment to ensuring respect for the human rights of all of  Malmö’s residents. The credibility of Sweden’s candidacy for membership in the UN Human Rights Council depends on it.”

Hela skrivelsen finns att läsa hos UN Watch.


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