
Johan Wennström

Johan Wennström

I dagens SvD skriver jag om den amerikanske journalisten Jonathan Rauchs artikel om samkönade äktenskap och olika familjenormer i USA. Han tar sin utgångspunkt i Naomi Cahns och June Carbones nya bok Red Families v. Blue Families: Legal Polarization and the Creation of Culture (Oxford University Press 2010):

”The book is more detailed and nuanced than my brief treatment here can reflect, but I think it is not too far off the mark to summarize their thesis as follows: Blue and Red America – the predominantly socially liberal, Democratic areas and constituencies and the predominantly socially conservative, Republican areas and constituencies – are not just different politically but are on opposite ends of the sexual revolution. This, in part, is why they are so different politically.”

Läs hela saken här!


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